New Banner & Blog-A-Day Challenge Week One Done!

I’ve been meaning to change the banner on this blog from a while. When I was in high school, I would write these comic books where I would cast myself, my friends, and various other kids from school as superheroes. Since I was an artist, I decided my superhero power should be art related and because I thought Wolverine was so very awesome, I decided I would have claws like Logan but mine would be pencils. Which practically doesn’t make a whole lot of sense (remember I was 15 or 16 when I came up with this genius idea), I imagine my claws would be snapping off early and often unless I was using adamantium-laced graphite or something. Although Willow did once stake a vampire with a floating pencil, so if I was slaying vampires perhaps it would’ve worked.

The uncropped, unedited painting. Acrylic paint and ink.

So while the idea of a superhero with pencils for claws is incredibly cheesy and stupid, the hand with the pencils protruding, I think, is still visually interesting. But what really brought the piece together in my head was the idea that the graphite in the three pencils would each have a different hardness/softness. If you’ve never bought pencils from an art store before, your Hs (6H, 4H, 2H) are your harder graphites and will appear lighter on paper. Your Bs (6B, 4B, 2B) are your softer graphites and those you generally use at the end of drawing a piece to get your darkest dark (specifically the 6B). If you ever look in an artist’s toolbox, you will find many incredibly short 6B pencils. An HB pencil is essentially your normal run-of-the-mill pencil.

Now here’s the old banner for comparison’s sake:

And the new one:

I’m a little surprised I actually made it through one week of this Blog-A-Day Challenge. Here’s a list of links to all of the previous week’s entries if you missed any.

Day 1: Brea Grant’s Blog-A-Day Challenge
Day2: Previously… In Comics (Books Released 4/6/11)
Day 3: Whedon Wednesday: My Favorite 10 Buffy Episodes
Day 4: Break on through to the Darkseid
Day 5: Fantasy Casting: Nextwave: Agents of HATE
Day 6: “Marvelous” Massacre
Day 7: My Favorite Third Party Wii Exclusive Titles

Blog-A-Day Challenge: Day 8